健康食品 安全性試驗


健康食品 安全性試驗

根據健康食品管理法第 3 條第 2 項的要求,基於確保健康食品於人體食用之安全性,必須證明健康食品無害人體健康且具明確及穩定之保健功效,因此依據食品原料之不同而須進行不同之毒理學評估,我們依據您產品特性提供不同毒理學試驗建議。

28 天餵食毒性試驗(亞急性)XΟ
90 天餵食毒性試驗(亞慢性)XXΟΟ
慢性毒性 / 致癌性試驗XXXΟ

X:無須進行試驗  Ο:須進行試驗  ⊗:建議或委託者提供相關資訊



  • 口服急毒性試驗 Acute oral toxicity

口服急性毒性試驗目的為瞭解食品 / 健康食品經單一劑量餵食,於實驗類動物之急性毒性影響。依循 健康食品安全性評估法或 Redbood 法規,實驗動物以 Rat 或 Mice 為主(其他品種請洽詢),試驗設計 3~6 個劑量組,於 24 小時內一次或多次投予試驗物質,連續 14 天觀察實驗動物急性毒性中毒症狀。試驗結果用以評估試驗物質在體內的毒性影響及目標器官,有助於重覆劑量毒性試驗時劑量範圍之選擇。

Executive experience:
Redbook II Chapter IV C 2. Acute Oral Toxicity Tests
Safety assessment guideline of Health Food, Department of Health, the Executive yuan, Taiwan, 1999.
GB 15193.3-2014


  • 亞急性毒性試驗 Sub-acute toxicity study

亞急性毒性試驗是在急性毒性試驗的基礎上,進一步瞭解食品 / 健康食品於實驗動物的毒性劑量效應。依循 健康食品安全性評估法或 Redbood 法規,亞急性毒性試驗進行 28 天連續口服投藥,口服方式包括摻入飼料、飲水或管餵方式,實驗動物主要為 Rat 或 Mice (其他品種請洽詢),劑量設計應儘可能涵蓋人體預期攝入量之 100 倍以上為最高劑量組,共以三個劑量組進行試驗,觀察項目包括 clinical observation, hematological examination, clinical biochemistry, urine examination, organ examination and histopathology examination(詳述如下)。試驗結果用以判斷試驗物質之 LOAEL (lowest-observed-adverse-effect level) 或 NOAEL (no observed adverse effect level),並初步評估人體食入的安全性,並為長期或慢性毒性試驗之劑量設計、觀察指標及毒性終點提供重要參考依據。


  1. Clinical observation: ophthalmological examination, general clinical observation, body weight, food consumption, feed efficiency analysis, and water consumption.*
  2. Hematological examination: haematocrit, heamoglobin concentrations, erythrocyte count, reticulocytes*, total and differential leucocyte count, platelet count and a measure of blood clotting time/potential.
  3. Clinical Biochemistry: Glucose, total cholesterol*, triglyceride*, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, total protein, albumin, globulin*, total bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, sodium, potassium, Calcium, phosphorus, Chloride, thyroid hormones*, bile acids*.
  4. Urine examination: urinalysis and urinary sediments examination.
  5. Organ examination: organ gross observation, organ weight (male: 10 items, female: 9 items), histopathology examination.

*Depends on testing requirements

Executive experience:
Redbook II Redbook 2000: IV.C.3.a Short-Term Toxicity Studies with Rodents
Safety assessment guideline of Health Food, Department of Health, the Executive yuan, Taiwan, 1999.
GB 15193.22-2014


  • 亞慢性毒性試驗 Sub-chronic toxicity study

食品 / 健康食品於人類生活中多為長期反覆性食用,亞慢性毒性試驗是評估,實驗動物於部分生命期(不超過 10% 壽命期)內,每日重複暴露於試驗物質下可能產生之毒性影響,以瞭解試驗物質於動物體內的蓄積作用及其標的器官,並為長期慢性毒性或致癌試驗提供劑量設計之參考依據。試驗設計依循健康食品安全性評估法或 Redbood 法規,以 Rat 或 Mice 為主要實驗動物(其他品種請洽詢),考量試驗物質人體預期攝入量,設計 100 倍以上的劑量組,經摻入飼料、飲水或管餵方式,連續投予 90 天,觀察項目包括 clinical observation, hematological examination, clinical biochemistry, urine examination, organ examination, histopathology examination(詳述如下)。試驗結果可評估試驗物質之 LOAEL (lowest-observed-adverse-effect level) 或 NOAEL (no observed adverse effect level),可為人體食用之安全性提供重要參考依據。


  1. Clinical observation: ophthalmological examination, general clinical observation, body weight, food consumption, feed efficiency analysis, and water consumption.*
  2. Hematological examination (15 items): haematocrit, heamoglobin concentrations, erythrocyte count, reticulocytes*, total and differential leucocyte count, platelet count and a measure of blood clotting time/potential.
  3. Clinical Biochemistry (18 items): Glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride*, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, total protein, albumin, globulin*, total bilirubin*, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, sodium, potassium, Calcium*, phosphorus*, Chloride*, thyroid hormones*.
  4. Urine examination (16 items): urinalysis and urinary sediments examination.
  5. Organ examination: organ gross observation, organ weight (male: 10 items, female: 9 items), histopathology examination.

*Depends on testing requirements

Executive experience:
Redbook 2000: IV.C.4.a Subchronic Toxicity Studies with Rodents
Safety assessment guideline of Health Food, Department of Health, the Executive yuan, Taiwan, 1999.
GB 15193.13-2014
EFSA guidance on repeated-dose 90-day oral toxicity study o whole food/feed in rodents
VICH GL31 Safety studies for veterinary drug residues in human food: repeat-dose (90) toxicity testing


  • 出生前生殖 / 發育毒性
    Reproduction /Developmental Toxicity

食品 / 健康食品於懷孕婦女的攝取應評估它對妊娠期的母體、胚胎的發展及子代發育是否造成影響,依循 Redbood 法規,生殖 /發育毒性可分為
 (1) Prenatal Development Toxicity Study
 (2) One-Generation Reproduction Toxicity Study
主要均以 Rat 或 Rabbit 為試驗動物(其他品種請洽詢),劑量設計需配合亞急性、亞慢性毒性試驗結果,並考量人體預期攝入量,共以三個劑量組進行試驗,主要經由口服方式投予包括摻入飼料、飲水或管餵。試驗結果用以評估母體於孕期接觸試驗物質可能出現的致畸胎性、母體妊娠期影響及子代發育影響,可為人體食用之安全性提供重要參考依據。

Prenatal Development Toxicity Study

Executive experience:
Redbook 2000: IV.C.9.b Guidelines for Developmental Toxicity Studies
Safety assessment guideline of Health Food, Department of Health, the Executive yuan, Taiwan, 1999.
GB 15193.27-2014

One-Generation Reproduction Toxicity Study

Executive experience:
Redbook 2000: IV.C.9.a Guidelines for Reproduction Studies
GB 15193.14-2014
GB 15193.15-2014
GB 15193.27-2014


  • 基因毒理 Genotoxicity

依參照之法規,台美團隊執行健康食品基因毒性試驗,每年至少 5 件以上,相關介紹請見「基因毒理研究專頁介紹」。

1. 沙門氏菌回復突變試驗
2. 體外哺乳類細胞染色體異常試驗
3. 囓齒類週邊血液微核試驗
4. Hprt 基因之體外哺乳類細胞基因突變試驗